Complete clinical trials management system

Manage patients
- track recruitment and screening
- generate individual calendars based on protocol schema
- record deviations and serious adverse events
- capture patient visits and events including sponsor invoice-able values
- track re-consenting or patient notification due to protocol revision
- archive patients no longer on study

Manage protocols
- capture protocol details with full reporting
- easily build protocol arms (schema) with complex design
- eRegulatory module to track IRB review dates, actions and documents
- key personnel tracking with licensure/training management
- track monitor visits and audits including ability to provide remote access

Manage financials
- invoicing, sponsor payment tracking and allocation – ALWAYS know what you have earned and what you are due
- study start-up costs
- track payments to third parties
- tools for managing billing compliance, financial analysis and coverage analysis
- extensive suite of financial reports

- over 100 standard reports, each fully configurable
- patient accruals, protocol status, financial tracking, staff time and effort, and more…
- export reports to Excel
- set custom report settings memory per user
- report output restricted based on user access permissions
- custom reports built at no additional cost

Oncology expertise
In 1995 DDOTS was engaged by an NCI-sponsored community clinical oncology program to develop software for patient tracking and scheduling. DDOTS now has over 65 NCI research sites and 3,000 oncology research base study schemas in its database. With the development of BIOSPEC, the commitment to the NCI Best Practices for Biospecimen Resources continues. Section B.5 of this document: “Biospecimen Resource Informatics: Data Management and Inventory Control and Tracking” has served as a guideline for specific elements of BIOSPEC.