Electronic submissions
- easily enter IRB submissions for a new study, continuing review, revisions/amendments, key personnel changes, etc.
- complete document managment
- facilitate communication between researchers and IRB staff
- automatic email notifications for approval process status updates

Manage protocols
- capture protocol details including status with full reporting
- track IRB review dates and actions including revisions and amendments
- document storage and access
key personnel tracking with licensure/training management

Agenda, minutes, approvals
- create IRB meeting agenda automatically based on configurable design
- easily separate submissions into appropriate sections based on type of submission, type of review, and other criteria
- create meeting minutes, update actions and record voting in seconds
- store approval letter templates and quickly generate letters in Word or pdf format

IRB reviewers
- email notification when protocol/documents are ready for review
- one-screen display of all protocols and documents for your review
- record comments directly into IRBANA
- notify IRB staff automatically when review has been completed​

CREDIT + IRBANA = Increased Efficiency
CREDIT had its origin in oncology and continues today as the premiere web-based software for community sites supported by the National Cancer Institute Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP.) CREDIT was developed through funding from Phase I and Phase II cooperative agreements with the NCI.
While IRBANA fully functions as a stand-alone IRB management system, it was originally developed to work hand-in-hand with CREDIT to maximize efficiency. Protocol data and documents are seamlessly exchanged between the two systems, eliminating duplicate data entry. Staff access permissions allow users to use/see the data they need to perform their required job duties.